Join Us!


Thank you for choosing to join our group! We are always looking for members to help us improve our methods and get more information on demons!

You can contact us at this number:

666-66-667 ;D

You can ask our operator any questions no need to be shy!

Here's what you need to know about our group:

  • Members are placed in different divison under one of the leaders. Those under Sitri are usually the newer or neutral members where you learn basic teaching though you can advance your teachings. Those under Halphas typically are part of the health unit studying those effected by demons and helping other members, it's highly suggested those with any involvement with demons(THAT HAVE NOT DONE A CONTRACT) study under Halphas. Those under Ashtar will be involed with direct planning for projects in the future and help with the main gaining of info on demons, IF YOU HAVE DONE A CONTRACT WITH A DEMON GET INTO CONTACT WITH ASHTAR IMMEDIATELY.
  • We wear numbered uniforms! To be identified we are numbered, neutral members or lower level wear plain white cloths with a numbered badage, you may acessorize. When you study under one of the leaders you would change uniform depending on job/placement.
  • We enjoy traveling with our group when we can. Typically to areas of former or current demonic activity, funding for these are greatly needed as moving many people can be pricey. Any suggestions for haunted or demonic areas is appreciated!
  • If you cannot directly join us(it be you don't live near us or you're not allowed to help fix our great world) you can donate! All donations go to bettering our tech and things to gain knowledge of demons and learn how to get rid of them. It's a bit risky so we appreciate anything.
  • If you are to join you must be able to meet in person, children are allowed however must be watched at all times by a trusted adult, you must follow all the rules given to you. We hope you check our great group out!
